Oklahoma City, Oklahoma November 12 - 15
More than 460 water professionals convened in Oklahoma City on November 12 - 15 for the 2023 CIFA SRF Workshop, the nation's premier training and professional development program for managers and staff of the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (SRFs).

Opening Plenary
Track 1: Leading on Safe Drinking Water
Lead Line Inventories: Countdown to Initial Inventories for Lead Lines
Lead Line Replacement: Lessons Learned from Lead Service Line Replacement
Emerging Contaminants: Cleaning Up Forever Chemicals in Drinking Water
Track 2: Breaking New Ground
Climate Resiliency: Keeping Up With the Climate
Emerging Contaminants: What’s Emerging in Wastewater and Stormwater?
Build America, Buy America: Mined, Made and Manufactured in America
Track 3: Supporting Communities
Technical Assistance: Putting “Technical” in Technical Assistance
Affordability: The Evolution of Affordability Criteria
Regionalization: Let’s Get Ready to Regionalize!
Track 4: Strengthening Fiscal Responsibility
Cash Flow Modeling: Do You Have Fear of Commitment
Leveraging: Financing Tools That Make Cents
Asset Management: Cover Your Asset Management