2015 SRF Worksop
​Keynote and Plenary Sessions
Clean Water SRF - Andrew Sawyers
A Collaborative Approach to Recovery Tampa Bay, Florida - Holly Greening
Cost and Effectiveness Analysis of Water and Wastewater Projects - Tony Mensah
Iowa's SRF Options for Financing Green Infrastructure - Patti Cale-Finnegan
Maryland Chesapeake Bay Watershed Implementation Plan - Jag Khuman
Protecting Public Health for America’s Communities - Peter Grevatt
Small Communities and Regionalization...Montana’s Regional Water Systems - Bob Fischer
State Revolving Fund’s How Oklahoma is Planning for the Future - Lori Johnson
State Water Implementation Revenue Fund for Texas - Bech Bruun
Using DWSRF Set-aside Funds for State-wide Water Loss Initiatives - Bodwell Cavanaugh
2015 Federal Policy Conference
Delaware Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund - Terry Deputy
Energy, Currency and the Battle Against Lowflation - Ellen Zentner
Opportunities and Partnerships to Advance the CWSRFs - Andrew Sawyers
Restructuring the DWSRF to Improve Assistance Delivery - Lance Reese
Restructuring the SRF for Improved Financial Management - Lori Beary
The DWSRF Flexibility to Address Challenges of Today and Tomorrow - Peter Grevatt
Water Infrastructure & Resiliency Finance Center - Raffael Stein