SRF 101 (Online)
March 10 - 13, 1:00 - 5:00 pm (EDT)
This training will cover the basics of Clean Water and Drinking Water SRF requirements and eligibilities. It is intended both for new staff interested in getting an overview of the SRF program as well as experienced staff that would like a refresher.
​Equivalency Mini Training
March 20, 2025 1:00 - 3:00 pm (EDT)
In this webinar, EPA will cover in detail the rules for how equivalency works, as well as how it is applied by SRFs and documented to EPA. EPA will present specific examples of the ways different states use equivalency strategically to better assist their communities with their water and wastewater infrastructure projects.
​​SRF Project Management Training
April 1 - 3: EPA Region 1 Office, Boston, Massachusetts
May 20 - 22: EPA Region 10 Office, Seattle, Washington
This training is intended for state and EPA staff that want to expand their SRF project management knowledge and skill sets. Participants will learn about a broad range of topics related to SRF project management by following SRF projects from initiation through loan closeout. Instructors will demonstrate options for optimizing various steps of the SRF process by presenting examples of best practices from SRF programs across the nation, as well as through group discussion and interactive exercises.
Financial Literacy Training
May 6 - 8: USDA Building, Kansas City, Missouri
June 3 - 5: EPA Region 5 Office, Chicago, Illinois
The State Revolving Fund (SRF) Financial Literacy 101 Training will be conducted for both Clean Water and Drinking Water state management and staff level employees who make decisions in reference to the SRF applying for the capitalization grants, drafting the IUP/Annual reports, managing fund utilization, and newer SRF state/regional staff interested in or confused about the financial aspects of the SRFs. A range of topics will be covered over the two and a half day training like, but not limited to: Finance Basics, Grant Awards, Working with Borrowers, State Matching, the Basics on Bond, and Audits. These topics will be to inform the attendees of formal guidance, spark informal collaborative discussions while also educating and sharing with the newer staff on SRF collective knowledge base.
All State and EPA Management and Staff are welcome to register for either of the training workshops. You do not need to be within any particular state to participate in either of these trainings.
​​​​Infrastructure Finance Webinar: Opportunities to Advance Water Reuse
This webinar will highlight different federal infrastructure funding programs available for water reuse projects, including the Clean Water and Drinking Water SRFs, WIFIA, the Bureau of Reclamation’s WaterSMART Title XVI Program, and USDA’s Rural Development. Representatives from across the federal government will briefly discuss their funding programs, application requirements, and examples of previous water reuse projects funded under those programs.​