CIFA supports a streamlined process for SRFs to access funding through WIFIA, which has the potential to increase investment in water infrastructure projects that protect public health and the environment.
SWIFIA Implementation
Since March, CIFA members have participated in a State/EPA SWIFIA Work Group, which was established to provide a collaborative framework to develop policies and processes for implementation of SWIFIA.
To support the collaborative effort, CIFA identified key policy issues for implementation, which were provided to EPA. Read the response from Andrew Sawyer, EPA Director of Wastewater Management.
On June 24, CIFA submitted an official comment letter about the proposed application process for SWIFIA. CIFA followed up with specific recommendations for developing a pro rata allocation for SWIFIA appropriations.
In November, EPA released their proposed process for public. CIFA submitted a comment letter supporting their recommended approach.
History of SWIFIA
America's Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 authorized $5 million in WIFIA financing for SRFs, a program now referred to as SWIFIA. The law also:
Reduces the required number of credit rating letters from two to one.
Requires no new state environmental and engineering reviews. (However, EPA will require applicants to provide data and documentation to make a NEPA determination.)
Increases the allowable maximum federal funding from 80% to 100%.
Origins of SWIFIA
SWIFIA originated with “Securing Required Funding for Water Infrastructure Now Act” (SRF WIN), a bill sponsored by U.S. Senator John Boozman from Arkansas. The bipartisan legislation, passed unanimously by the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, provided a streamlined path for SRFs to access WIFIA financing. Unfortunately, the Committee's version of America's Water Infrastructure Act of 2018, which included SRF WIN, wasn't brought up for a vote by the full Senate.
SRF WIN Letters of Support
Support Letter to U.S. Senator John Boozman, November 28, 2017
Support Letter to U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, June 8, 2018
Support Letter to Chair and Ranking Member of the Energy & Commerce Committee, August 28, 2018
WIFIA is a federal credit program established by the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act of 2014 and administered by EPA. The program provides access to loans from the U.S. Treasury for water and wastewater infrastructure projects.